2016 – TEM-A (First meeting)

“Enhancing the implementation of adaptation action with emphasis on gaps, needs, challenges, options and opportunities for implementation on the ground; means of implementation, including for the improvement of climate information services and understanding of scientific information at the national level; and good practices for reducing vulnerability.”


The technical examination process on adaptation (TEP-A) was established at COP 21 as part of the enhanced action prior to 2020 in the decision adopting the Paris Agreement. The TEP-A will seek to identify concrete opportunities for strengthening resilience, reducing vulnerabilities, and increasing the understanding and implementation of adaptation actions. The process is organized by the SBSTA and SBI and conducted by the Adaptation Committee (AC). Each year topics of particular relevance to Parties and non-Party stakeholders will be addressed.
The umbrella topic for the 2016 TEP-A is ‘’Reducing vulnerability and mainstreaming climate change adaptation, including through the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans.” As part of the TEP-A, two technical expert meetings on adaptation (TEM-As) are organized at SB 44.
The first TEM-A took place on Tuesday 24 May, WCCB, room Chamberhall (Plenarsaal). Under the 2016 umbrella topic, this meeting focused on enhancing the implementation of adaptation action.
Please click here to find agenda and presentations.