GCF Regional Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation – Thursday, 11 April 2019

The Regional Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation (TEM-A), taking place during the Korea Global Adaptation Week, is organized by the Green Climate Fund, as part of the technical examination process on adaptation (TEP-A) launched by the Conference of the Parties (COP) by its decision 1/CP.21. The TEP-A is conducted by the Adaptation Committee, with the support of the UNFCCC secretariat. Parties and non-Party stakeholders have been invited to organize regional technical expert meetings, building on existing regional climate action events, and to provide their reports thereon to the secretariat as input to the technical examination processes. Each year, topics of particular relevance to Parties and non-Party stakeholders are addressed. The topic for the 2019 TEP-A is “Adaptation finance, including the private sector”.

Adaptation Finance, including the private sector

09:00-09:15GCF TEM-A Opening

09:15-10:30GCF TEM-A Session 1

Maximizing Synergies in the Climate Finance Architecture: Lessons learned, opportunities and challenges

Synergies in climate finance can take place in the form of blended projects, but also in projects that build on each other consecutively, and potentially in parallel projects funded by different mechanisms through different agencies. The discussion will focus on bringing synergies in climate action by discussing the perspectives of countries, entities, and representatives of Funds, exploring instances of successful blending of resources from different climate funds, the drivers behind the success, and the role and experiences of governments and accredited entities.

11:00-12:30 GCF TEM-A Session 2

Private sector investment

This session will illustrate opportunities for private investment in adaptation to improve the resilience of vulnerable populations as well as reduce risk of business operations.  The session will discuss common barriers private sector institutions face when considering investing in adaptation and examples of innovative financial structures to overcome them. We will describe the ways in which GCF’s Private Sector Facility promotes adaptation investment through funding proposals and adaptation planning, along with guest speakers to present best practices.  Throughout the session, participants will be encouraged to share their approaches in engaging the private sector, and technical specialists will provide recommendations to address specific challenges.

14:00-15:30GCF TEM-A Session 3

Impact of adaptation investments for increasing resilience and reducing risk

This session will focus on adaptation investments for high impact, based upon improved metrics. The session will address appropriate access modalities for adaptation financing, starting from project design based upon adaptation planning, country programming and prioritization. Operationalization of adaptation metrics will be discussed in relation to GCF monitoring, evaluation, and reporting frameworks. The session will also discuss good practices in addressing barriers to adaptation finance by implementing effective adaptation monitoring.

16:00-17:30GCF TEM-A Session 4

Sectoral Roundtables on Successful Adaptation Programmes and projects

This set of sectoral roundtable discussions will focus on practical elements of project design and development, based on strong climate science and emphasizing country priorities and context.  Roundtables will be organized for the following themes: climate information and early warning systems; integrated and resilient infrastructure; water security; health and well-being; and natural resource management.

Contact: Ms. Zhengzheng Qu, zqu@gcfund.org.